Adopt a StoryWalk ®
Celebrate a birthday, holiday, or special milestone through the library's StoryWalk ®   Sponsor Program. It's an easy, fun, and unique way to honor someone special. The youth librarian will select a seasonally appropriate title. Each  StoryWalk ® costs $60 to create.

Please note, the library will not accept donations of actual materials as part of this program. Our permanent StoryWalk ® is located at the Eldridge Branch (200 N 6th Avenue, Eldridge, Iowa)

Within 24 hours of submitting this form, your library card will be charged for the amount selected and you can pay online with a credit card. You can also come to any SCLS branch to pay by cash or check.
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Donor First & Last Name *
Phone *
Library Card Number *
Email *
Please check the months you would prefer, we will contact you regarding availability. *
Relationship to Honoree
Gift message to be displayed at the beginning of the  StoryWalk ® and on a certificate for your honoree. Please indicate how you would like the gift message to read.
Example: Presented to the Scott County Library System in celebration of _______ from ________.
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