2022 Illinois Council for the Social Studies Fall Conference
Harper College, Palatine Illinois
October 14, 2022
The Illinois Council for the Social Studies invites session proposals for the ICSS Fall 2022 Conference, being held on the campus of Harper College, Palatine, Illinois on Friday, October 14, 2022.
Responding to the societal dialogue regarding the nature of history, the role of stakeholders in curriculum interpretation, ever-changing mandates and standards, and the positioning of teachers in the social studies classroom, this conference provides opportunity for professional dialogue, growth, and networking.
The ICSS Fall Conference engages practicing PK-12 social studies teachers, preservice teachers, university faculty, social studies researchers, and concerned citizens. Participants will explore a variety of topics and sessions that are pertinent to social studies students and teachers in the field across grade levels and social studies content areas.
We encourage proposals connecting to this year’s conference theme: “Social Studies at the Forefront of Public Discourse”. With focus on providing practical experiences for classroom teachers, presenters are invited to bring to the conference innovative teaching methods, successful lesson plans, useful resources, or other sessions that will be of interest to the social studies community. ICSS particularly welcomes sessions that challenge teachers to explore new pedagogies or lines of thinking and sessions that highlight historically marginalized voices or perspectives. ICSS encourages proposals that include co-presenters or group presenters. Proposals from first-time session presenters are encouraged.
Sessions are scheduled for 50 minutes. Please limit session proposals to not-for-profit individuals or groups.
Shown here are past session topics that have been successful in the past. You are welcome to address the following topics but you may certainly propose a topic beyond what is listed:
Standards-based grading in Social Studies
Primary source analysis techniques
Creating and maintaining culturally responsive classrooms
Deep questioning techniques
Building positive relationships with colleagues and parents in an era of politically charged curriculum
Building equitable classroom libraries
Engaging in difficult conversations
Exploration of Illinois Social Studies Standards
Technology integration in the Social Studies Classroom
“What I learned in my first years of teaching”
When preparing a proposal, please consider the following:
*Multiple proposal submissions are allowed and will require multiple survey submissions (one fully completed survey per proposal).
*Sessions are approximately 50 minutes in length.
*Technology and Wi-Fi are available in each room.
Session proposals should contain the following information:
Primary Contact Email:
Secondary Contact Email:
Presenter(s) biographies (30 words max):
Session title (12 words max)
Session abstract (40 words max):
Intended audience:
PreK-12 (general audience)
Early Childhood
Middle Level
Secondary/High School
Special Education
Objective(s) of Session:
Description of Session: (400 words max)
How the session might connect to the conference theme: Social Studies at the Forefront of Public Discourse” (100 words max)
Confirmation that the session is not commercial in nature (advertisements for curricular materials, books, services or other for-profit ventures)
Presenters will be notified of the acceptance status of their proposals by September 16, 2022. Presenters are expected to register for the conference.
**Proposal submission deadline is Friday, September 2, 2022, 11:59pm**
If you need more time to complete a submission or have questions regarding the conference, please contact Ben Wellenreiter at