Please answer the following questions prior to auditioning for HDC's 2024-25 Company Team on 7/16 or 7/17. Please share as much as you would like. We can't wait to dance with YOU!

*If you are a new student to HDC, please also register HERE - Thank you so much!

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Dancers Name *
Dancer's Age (as of Jan, 1 2025)
Dancer's Birthdate
Parent or Guardian Name
Parent or Guardian phone number
Parent or Guardian email address 
What is your dancer's T-shirt size?  Please specify Child or Adult size (this is for August Intensive t-shirt orders, if applicable)
Dancers, please think about and answer thoughtfully the questions below!  

Parents of younger dancers, we know you will need to fill this out for your child, but it is still good for them to think about these things and hopefully they can communicate to you their response so you can share with us!
How many years have you danced?  How many of those have been on a competition team?
How do you feel that you will be an asset to the HDC Competition Company?
What are your goals for the 2024-25 dance season?
If you are a returning HDC dancer, take some time to reflect on the goals you set last season.  Do you feel that you accomplished them?  If not, is there anything you can reflect on that held you back? Do you have the same goals for the upcoming season or have you adjusted what you want to achieve for any reason?  Please share your perspective!
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