I authorize Happy Hour Improv and all its Instructors, to seek medical service in case of serious injury or illness, including sending an ambulance or local law enforcement to my home in the rare and unlikely event I am in danger, injured, or ill. I further agree and/or accept financial responsibility in excess of benefits allowed by my health plan. I give my voluntary consent to participate in all programs and activities provided by Happy Hour Improv, its principals, employees and agents. I release Happy Hour Improv from any and all liability and waives as against Happy Hour Improv all recourse, loss or damage, including any consequential damage or loss, claims, causes of action of any kind whatsoever arising from my participation in the activity. I acknowledge by their very nature, that the activities engaged in can expose participants to risks and hazards such as, but not limited to, physical injuries incurred while in class; and that I nevertheless freely and voluntarily assume all of the aforesaid risks and hazards. It is hereby understood and agreed that Happy Hour Improv shall not be responsible for any theft, damage or injuries incurred during classes. Happy Hour Improv shall not be responsible for my personal care. Registration will begin immediately and will be processed on a first come, first served basis. All classes must be paid for in full at the time of registration unless other arrangements have been made. All tuition is non-refundable one week prior to the first day of the session. All tuition payments include a non-refundable $50 processing and registration fee.