黑鷹博物館文化之旅/Blackhawk Museum Cultural Field Trip

位於Danville的「黑鷹博物館」,有一個令人驚豔的中國展覽館-- ”The Into China Gallery“。 兵馬俑,紫禁城,古雕刻,古建築,雕梁畫棟,美輪美奐! 灣谷中文學校將在2022-11-11,舉辦校外教學(當日為退伍軍人節,放假不用上課)。歡迎全校師生,家長,一同前往。門票全免,還有專業導覽員解說每一項珍藏,是您實地認識中華文化,大開眼界的好機會! 地點:Blackhawk Museum in Danville (3700 Blackhawk Plaza Cir, Danville, CA 94506) 網址: https://blackhawkmuseum.org/
交通:自行前往,門口集合 門票:免費 日期:2022年11月11日,週五上午 (退伍軍人節) 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Immense Chinese cultural and historical treasure is right around our neighborhood. This year, we would like to lead a tour to the Blackhawk Museum in Danville. The “Into China” Gallery is of special interest in this field trip. Location: Blackhawk Museum in Danville (3700 Blackhawk Plaza Cir, Danville, CA 94506) Website: https://blackhawkmuseum.org/
Date and time: November 11, 2022 (Veterans Day) (Friday) 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Transportation: Arrange your own transportation to the Blackhawk Museum  Admission Fee: $0

* 附註/Note: 1. 每個學生都必須至少有一名監護人陪伴。 Each student must be chaperoned by at least one parent/guardian. 2. 同意書:請下載,簽名後,交到A101辦公室。 Waiver form : Please download and sign the form, and turn it to office A101. 同意書下載連結/Waiver form download link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Xms_dtTGLeKjZJNN3pXns5qr78KWPaw/view?usp=sharing

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