Please mention if you would be open to reading more by your favorite authors and specify those authors and titles if possible. Or say if you just want something similar.
Your answer
Any Books/Authors To Avoid?
Your answer
Other Details to Help Us?
Please note that while we will try to accommodate, due to supply and demand we can't guarantee specific book titles in bundles. Shop specific titles on our webstore Thanks for understanding!
Your answer
Preferred Book Condition? *
For a $25 budget, we recommend only choosing Used. All other budgets can accommodate New or Both.
Approve your Curator's Selections or Be Surprised? *
NOTE: Approvals will be contacted after payment, and requests for exchanges must be received within 1 day of contact or your order will ship as-is, due to space limitations.
Would You Like Your Books Individually Wrapped for $10? *
Wrapping Includes all books.
Would You Like to Rush Your Order for $25? *
A rushed order includes a 2-3 day curation turnaround time and Priority shipping if mailed. Otherwise, processing may take up to 2 weeks before pickup or shipping.
Shipping, Delivery, or Curbside Pickup? *
*Personal Delivery is available in the Los Angeles area only
Contact Info
You're almost done! We just need to know how to contact you when your order is complete, or if we have any questions.
Your Name *
Your answer
Phone # *
Your answer
Full Shipping Address *
Please include Name of Recipient, Street Address, City, State and Zip Code
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Instagram Tag
Your answer
E-mail *
Your answer
Preferred Contact Method *
For your convenience, you will receive a Paypal invoice by email within 1-4 days of submitting this order. All bundles are a flat rate charge based on your budget. Book price totals may not match the budget exactly due to selections but we will get as close as we can. S&H is added on top of your budget. Unless you pay for Rush service, please allow us 1-2 weeks to pull and process your order. (Thank you for your patience!) All bundles must be paid in advance before our curators begin, including approvals. Approval bundles will be contacted for exchange requests prior to your order being ready.
No-Risk Guarantee
Worried you've already read a book we've chosen for you or you won't be happy with a title? No problem! Just let us know within the first 24 hours of receiving your bundle and we will place a note on your account. You may exchange your book for another title (of equal value) via curbside or ship it back to us and we will send you a new approved selection within 1-2 weeks of receiving your book back in the store. Email The customer is responsible for return shipping of any exchanges.
Questions For Us?
Any special requests or additional information we should know? You may comment here or reach us anytime by emailing Please note that we receive thousands of inquiries and we are not a large corporation, so it may take a few days for us to reply. Thanks for your patience and your support, we love providing this personalized service to you!
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