MESIS - Capacity Building Sessions - Application form

As part of the international MESIS project, partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal and Slovenia are expected to select 15 participants (60 in total), who will join a comprehensive Capacity Building based on the Outsport method and designed to build knowledge and competencies for coaches and PE teachers in the field of Education Through Sport and LGBTI issues. The selected participants will be divided into the 3 planned Capacity Building Sessions (Italy, Portugal, Slovenia).

After attending the CBS the organisation will issue a detailed certificate describing the acquired competencies.

Please carefully read the call for participants and complete this form in order to apply as a participant!

By filling this form you accept the AICS privacy policy

Info and questions:
Email *
Family name 
Gender  *
Please briefly describe the sport club/organization/school/institution you work in 
Which country do you come from? (citizenship) *
What are your roles and tasks in relation to sport and education?  *
Why would like to take part? (motivation)  *
What challenges can you identify in creating an inclusive sport community?
Do you have preferences about the session to attend (Italy, Portugal, Slovenia)?  *
City of departure *
Are you willing to spend the nights in a double room?  *

Are you available for an online meeting before the capacity building, and for filling out an impact evaluation questionnaire some weeks later?

Are you willing to receive news about the project, to share the outcomes and stay in touch for future initiatives on the field in order to share the methodology and the e-learning tools developed during the MESIS project? 
I accept the Privacy policy
Please add notes and suggestions 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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