8/17 - 8/18 Lifeguard Training Registration
American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Full Course. This course is a blended course (online and in person). Once registered the American Red Cross Instructor will send the participant the online course material, which requires approximately 7 hours to complete. All on-line course material MUST be completed prior to the first day of the class and presented to start the class. All participants MUST pass the American Red Cross Lifeguard Pre-Test which includes: 300 yard swim; treading water for 2 minutes w/o using arms; retrieving a weighted brick from approximately 10 feet of water and successfully resurfacing to swim on back. 

Class Dates:
Saturday 8/17 - Sunday 8/18 8am-6:45pm

*Lifeguard Course Cost - $375 (There is a $75 NON-REFUNDABLE tuition fee)  

* If there are not enough class participants this class will be postponed. You will be contacted prior to the start date if the class is canceled.   

*Please bring ID for proof of age upon arrival for the classroom portion of course.   

*If you cannot complete the American Red Cross Lifeguard Pre-test or if you do not successfully complete any portion of the class, no refunds will be given.
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