Gender Equality
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What is your gender? *
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How do you think the distribution of responsibilities at home should be?
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If you could choose which gender would you choose?
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What do you think is the biggest problem of women?
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How should the male-female relationship be in marriage?
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Do you think domestic violence is a sufficient reason for divorce?
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I feel social pressure to have children
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I'm on good terms with my family and I love spending time with them
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In general, women are bad negotiators because they are too soft
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Men shouldn't cry even if there is a very sad event
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Girls should always be like a lady and make sure they sit down and eat
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Some women seek preferential treatment under gender equality
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Those who define themselves as feminists are stupid, nature creates men and women as it desires. They oppose nature.
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If a man can meet the needs of his family, a woman should quit her job and focus on her family.
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I think women should have more sensitive professions (teacher, secretary, nurse, receptionist)
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Men should have the last word when making important financial decisions
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Homosexuals and those who define themselves as LGBTQI refute our value judgment.
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Education is more important for a boy than a girl
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