Neighborhood Sprouts Wait List Sign Up
Thank you for your interest in our program.

Neighborhood Sprouts is currently at capacity through Fall 2024. However, things always change and as spots become available at the start of each term, we open up registration to our wait list based on schedule fit and availability. To get your spot, please provide us with the detail requested below. If things change in your life, you can always return to your form to update your schedule preferences and preferred start dates. 

We follow the Boise School District for holidays, closures, and term start dates. 

Thank you!
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What is your child's date of birth?
What is your child's first and last name? *
Guardian 1: first and last name *
Guardian 1: contact phone
Guardian 1: contact email
Guardian 2: first and last name
Guardian 2: contact phone
Guardian 2: contact email
Desired Start Date
Please share your schedule preferences below:
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
5-day (M/T/W/Th/F)
3-day (M/W/F)
2-day (T/Th)
Will you be using extended care?
(Extended pick-up at 4p, regular day pick-up at 12p)
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