PMPS Community Group Sign Ups - Term 4, 2023
Our PMPS Community Group fosters a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment, supporting the flourishing of our school community through the utilisation of strengths, talents, passions, and resources. We organise events and activities that enhance educational experiences, promote well-being, and actively engage whānau in their PMPS journey.

Please indicate your availability for any of the Term 4 initiatives below. Let us know whether you are happy to LEAD this event/activity or SUPPORT or just PARTICIPATE. 

A PMPS Staff member will reach out to you about the event/activity and provide you with the necessary information.

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Email *
Name (first name and surname) *
Preferred name (if different)
I give permission for my name and email contact to be shared with the teacher and/or parent in charge of the initiatives for which I volunteer in so that they can contact me directly.  *
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