Suggest a book for the library!
We love book suggestions from Brent teachers, students, parents and staff. Fill out this quick form if you have some suggestions and Ms. Tamayao and Ms. Jingco will review and see if it's a good fit for the library.
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Email *
Your Name *
(For Students) - Grade Level: *
(For Teachers) - Grade level / subject you are teaching: *
(For Parents) - Name of your child / children and grade level studying at Brent: - ex. Liza Garcia, 3A *
(For Staff) - Name and Department- ex. John Lopez, Accounting Dept. *
What book/s would you like to suggest? *
Enter your recommendations here. Please include as much information (TITLE, AUTHOR or SERIES) as you can.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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