Please read the rules below.
1. You treat players with respect and represent the server in an orderly and professional manner.
2. You should not treat certain players differently from others because you know them in real life or have been in a dispute with them unrelated to the server (and thus give them unnecessarily harsh or lenient punishments)
3. You use your powers to give warnings, mute, kick, and temporary ban people in a fair and unbiased way, and if you kick or ban someone, provide evidence and a valid reason for muting or giving someone a warning in the #punishment-logs channel on Discord.
4. You also do not misuse your other permissions which you get as a Helper.
5. Respect players and be open-minded. Do not act rudely to a player or treat them differently because they said something which you personally dislike or disagree with. This includes political opinions, though does not include anything players say that is against the rules (i.e. racist, homophobic, sexist, or otherwise derogatory remarks) - discriminating against, excluding, or degrading a particular group or minority is not a political opinion and is not tolerated. For example, if a player agrees with a particular political party’s policies and you don’t, that does not give you a reason to treat that player differently. If a player says something that excludes a particular group/minority, for example, objecting to a business/building/activity on the server purely on the basis that it is inspired by a particular culture and insisting that everything on the server must be of their culture, then that is discriminatory, offensive, and racist and you should take immediate and appropriate action against that player.
6. You follow instructions from staff members ranked Moderator or higher on what to do, and if you are unsure about something you always ask someone before issuing a warning or muting someone etc.
7. You treat your fellow staff members with respect, you use appropriate language and behaviour when communicating with and talking about staff members, and you do not harass staff members for undertaking server procedures. For example, harassing a staff member for shutting down your shop because you were price-dumping is not permitted.