Harlon City Server Helper Application

Do you love Harlon and want to help make it even better? Are you the sort of person who likes helping people? Do you enjoy working in a diverse team that hails from all over the world? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this application is for you!

The “Helper” position is the entry position into the HCS Staff team - as a Helper, you’ll help moderate the server, help players with their queries and contribute to the ongoing improvement/enhancement of the server. You will represent the server in a professional manner - in some cases, you will be the first point of contact for a new player, and first impressions count!

As a member of the staff team, you’ll start as a Helper, and if you show an ongoing commitment to contributing to the server and the staff team, we may consider a promotion to a higher staff position, such as Moderator. 

Requirements for this position:

  • You must be able to read and write English fluently in order to communicate with the staff team and players on the server without any issues.

  • You have a Discord account and are on the Harlon Discord server - all staff communicate primarily via Discord.

  • You must be ranked “Resident” or higher on the server.

  • You are fairly active on Discord and can check it on a regular basis - we completely understand that everyone has their own lives and not everyone can be constantly checking Discord, but we do require that you check Discord whenever you can to see if there is anything new in the staff team and if you foresee that you will not be able to check Discord for a period of time, that you let us know in advance. 

  • You can help guide players to important points of the server (i.e., Spawn, the Resident application point, the public housing estate at Shoretrench, Stenford Bay, Olympic Venues, Capital Station etc.) and can answer common queries related to the server (i.e., is there a Discord server and where can I join? How do I apply for Resident? Is there free housing and where can I get it? How do I earn money on the server? How do I see the 3D trains and buses on the server? How do I sit inside a 3D train? etc.)

  • You know the server rules so that you can spot when someone is breaking them and take appropriate action, and you can keep to the rules yourself as a member of staff.

  • You have a relatively clean behavioural record - your behaviour on the server is of the standard expected of staff, you regularly help players if staff are not online, and you regularly contribute to the server (i.e., making suggestions, reporting bugs/issues/exploits you notice, writing legislation and submitting to an MP).

Please answer all questions in this application by writing as much as you can. Single word or single sentence responses will lead to an instant rejection of the application.

The application process may take several weeks from when you sent in your application to when you are notified of the result, so please have patience, and do not repeatedly ask when your application will be reviewed. Results will be released on the Harlon Discord server.

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Minecraft username:


Discord username with tag (i.e., ExampleUser#1234):


Timezone (please check to ensure you are selecting the correct timezone):


When did you first join HCS? (You can find this on the HCS Discord by searching for your username, clicking “Old”, and viewing the first result that pops up. 

What makes you continue to come back to HCS, compared to other Minecraft servers?

What do you think makes you stand out from other applicants? Why would you be a good Helper?

In what year did Harlon open to the public? *
On what day did the New Harlon world open to the public? *

The Helper Project

All new Helpers must undertake a project that aims to improve/enhance the server in some way. This must not be a simple fix for a common problem (i.e., fixing elevators), or an unfeasible project (i.e., building a high-speed rail line that makes a loop around the entire world). Project ideas can be inspired by issues/suggestions on the server raised by players/staff; however, it must not be the same as past Helper projects. Stuck for inspiration? Here are previous examples of Helper projects:

A good tip for Helper projects is that you should make use of your own skills in your project - for example, the Harlon Trip Planner was made by a Helper who was good at coding and web development. If you do something you’re good at and enjoy, then the results will be much better, and everyone will be able to see your passion and skill! The project should be entirely independent - that is, only you should be the one working on it. You are of course allowed to liaise with other staff and ask them questions about requirements or access to certain resources, for example, but other staff members should not be completing parts of your Helper project for you.

Have an idea of what your Helper project might look like? This next section asks you some questions about it! Please answer all of the following questions throughly.

What problem does your Helper project aim to solve? For example, with the Harlon Trip Planner, it was the issue that it was difficult to plan trips using public transport on the server.


How do you aim to solve this problem with your project? For example, the Harlon Trip Planner solved the issue by providing a web-based tool to allow players to easily plan multi-step trips between two points on the server.


What does your Helper project entail? Will you need special access to/permissions for anything on the server? For example, the Harlon Trip Planner project involved developing/coding a web-based trip planner tool and gathering data on all the stations and connections, fares, and travel times.


Is your Helper project feasible? When do you think you will be able to finish it? Note that we don’t expect Helper projects to be completed very quickly - we just ask for a reasonable timeline (i.e., a few months). Everyone in the Staff team works on the server in their free time and thus progress and activity can greatly vary throughout the year.


About you

Do you have any experience being a staff member on another game server, Discord server, or holding a position similar to Helper? Do you have any skills that may help with your Helper project and in your role as a staff member? 


Please select your skills below. If you have a skill that is not listed, please tick “Other” and provide a brief description.

*This question can be skipped if you do not have any previous experience

Describe your skills in further detail and give examples - if you have any evidence of work you have done using these skills, please include them as a link in your response to this question.

*This question can be skipped if you do not have any previous experience
Special Rules for Helpers

Please read the rules below.

1. You treat players with respect and represent the server in an orderly and professional manner.

2. You should not treat certain players differently from others because you know them in real life or have been in a dispute with them unrelated to the server (and thus give them unnecessarily harsh or lenient punishments)

3. You use your powers to give warnings, mute, kick, and temporary ban people in a fair and unbiased way, and if you kick or ban someone, provide evidence and a valid reason for muting or giving someone a warning in the #punishment-logs channel on Discord.

4. You also do not misuse your other permissions which you get as a Helper.

5. Respect players and be open-minded. Do not act rudely to a player or treat them differently because they said something which you personally dislike or disagree with. This includes political opinions, though does not include anything players say that is against the rules (i.e. racist, homophobic, sexist, or otherwise derogatory remarks) - discriminating against, excluding, or degrading a particular group or minority is not a political opinion and is not tolerated. For example, if a player agrees with a particular political party’s policies and you don’t, that does not give you a reason to treat that player differently. If a player says something that excludes a particular group/minority, for example, objecting to a business/building/activity on the server purely on the basis that it is inspired by a particular culture and insisting that everything on the server must be of their culture, then that is discriminatory, offensive, and racist and you should take immediate and appropriate action against that player.

6. You follow instructions from staff members ranked Moderator or higher on what to do, and if you are unsure about something you always ask someone before issuing a warning or muting someone etc.

7. You treat your fellow staff members with respect, you use appropriate language and behaviour when communicating with and talking about staff members, and you do not harass staff members for undertaking server procedures. For example, harassing a staff member for shutting down your shop because you were price-dumping is not permitted.

I accept the rules *
Is there anything else you would like to add or let us know?

You have reached the end of the application. As mentioned before, the application process may take several weeks from when you sent in your application to when you are notified of the result, so please have patience, and do not repeatedly ask when your application will be reviewed. Results will be released on the Harlon Discord server. 

Have a nice day!

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