Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
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Region (Place of Occupation) *

Educational Qualification  *
Designation  *
Income (Per Month)
Program to which you are an instructor 
Mode of imparting education used by you
I am familiar with data transformation and artificial intelligence-based academic tools.   *
Artificial Intelligence tools are highly useful to prepare educational content and materials.   *
AI-based technology like a chatbot quickly provides information and answers queries about academic affairs.  *
I am aware of the application of AI-based technology in routine academic activities.  *
I am aware of ethical aspects related to AI applications.  *
I believe AI-powered educational content is not always correct *
Application of AI for admission purpose is confusing *
I shall not prefer to use AI application for administrative purpose *
Use of AI technology for answering student’s query is risky *
It will be hard to develop a perfect AI application catering the needs of administration in Higher Education  *
AI powered learning activity will enhance the efficiency of higher education system *
Educational content prepared by AI technology is useful *
Using AI powered chatbot technology I can get accurate answer *
Smart educational content can be prepared using AI technology *
AI technology is not easy to learn *
I need to put a lot of effort to learn AI technology *
If I know the basic AI technology, I can easily learn AI based applications *
I can have my query answered quickly using AI-chatbot technology *
Individualized content can be prepared using AI-technology *
Individualized content can be prepared using AI-technology *
My institute has all the necessary resources to use AI technology for smart *
I can have all the required resources to develop AI based smart content *
My institute sponsor any AI related learning opportunity *
All the classrooms of my institute are equipped with necessary devises for using AI technology for teaching purpose *
My institute encourages its staff to use modern technology *
I can learn AI technology quickly *
AI technology is useful for teaching-learning activities *
Using AI technology for query answering is a good idea *
People should learn AI technology for the future need of the higher education sector *
AI technology can cater the individual needs more accurately *
I believe AI technology is very easy to learn by beginner *
I am willing to use AI technology for developing smart content *
I believe AI technology could be used for answering student’s query *
I shall recommend all the stakeholders in higher education to explore AI *
I intend to use AI technology for teaching-learning purpose by next couple of years. *
 Application of AI in higher education is good for society *
Application of AI in higher education will make education more interactive  *
Application of AI in higher education will make it cost effective *
Application of AI in higher education will make the teaching-learning activity more interesting *
AI technology created my learning and teaching experience more interactive and interesting.   *
Adoption of AI technology and tool fostered my classroom engagement.   *
AI technology developed my performance and engagement in research activities *
AI technology and resources enhanced my participation and performance in professional and personal development activities.  *
I apply AI technology to create teaching material and content development.  *
I apply AI tools to review homework, tests, and other written assignments, monitor student achievement, and provide feedback.   *
I apply AI tools to detection of plagiarism in student papers and courses works. *
Application of AI in my higher education academic journey is cost-effective.  *
I am using AI technologies and tools in my teaching and learning activities.   *
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