Park Stars Clean Up Form
Please fill out this form if you are interested in Park Stars Clean Up!
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number
Would you like to learn more about becoming a Park Star?
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Do you have a site/park in mind that you would like to clean up? *
If yes, please write the name of the park and park site if you have those specifics. (example - Schenley Park, near the visitors' center or Allegheny Commons Park near Lake Elizabeth) If no, please write "NA"
Are you looking to volunteer as an individual or group? *
If you are looking to volunteer as a group please put the estimated number of individuals volunteering here:
In order to volunteer in the parks through the Park Star Clean Up program and receive the benefits (whatever these are) you will need to submit a volunteer permit request through the City. This is a simple form you can access at this link Do you agree to submit this form ahead of your volunteer activity?
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By selecting 'Yes' you indicate that you have read and agree to comply with our COVID-19 waiver which can be found here: Please be sure to follow the following protocol: 1. Always wear a mask or face covering while working in the park  2. Always wear gloves while working 3. Maintain at least six (6) feet physical distance between yourself and other park users  4. Do not pick up any dangerous materials like broken glass or needles – call 311 and the City will send in trained staff to clean-up 5. Avoid touching your face, and wash and sanitize your hands frequently  6. Stay home if you have any symptom of COVID-19
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Thank you for helping us keep our parks clean! Is it OK if we email you a post volunteer event survey (only 5 questions!)?
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