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Who is Jesus Christ to you? *
Have you been baptized yet? *
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Do you consider ECB to be your home church? *
Please share other ways you are involved in service or community at ECB: *
Please share any relevant experience you have relating to being an usher or greeter:
We ask that you prioritize attending 1 worship gathering and then serve at the other.  Please select your preferred schedule for serving:

***Please read ECB’s Faith Statement*** 

Please read the Evangelical Church of Bangkok Statement of Faith and check the box below indicating that you have read and agree.

We believe that GOD has revealed Himself to us in His creation, in the Bible and in His Son, Jesus Christ. God is to be worshiped and obeyed as the source and Lord of all life.

We believe the BIBLE to be the inspired trustworthy Word of God. It is our only rule of faith and practice. The Bible is to be taught and preached, applying its truth to everyday life.

We believe that PEOPLE were originally created innocent and pure, but that the first of these fell through the sin of disobedience to God so all people and all creation since then have been separated from God. Therefore all people are corrupt in body, soul and spirit by nature and are in need of reconciliation with God.

We believe that JESUS CHRIST is God’s unique Son, sent to our world as God in the flesh. He was fully God and fully man. He came to reveal God to us and to provide a way for us to know God personally and have eternal life with Him.

We believe that God has graciously provided SALVATION through Jesus Christ who died on the cross as the substitutionary atonement for sin, and rose again from the dead to open the way to new life with God. All who place their complete trust in Jesus Christ are saved from their fallen condition by God’s grace alone, apart from works or merit.

We believe that God’s HOLY SPIRIT gives new and eternal spiritual life to all who receive Jesus Christ by faith. The Holy Sprit indwells the believer, providing power for service and enabling a holy lifestyle.

We believe in the TRINITY – that God is one but three distinct persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the CHURCH as the body of Christ, both universal and local. We acknowledge the commission of Christ to the church to proclaim the Good News to all people and to make disciples.

We acknowledge the command of Christ to love our neighbors, resulting in service to the church and society.

We believe that the KINGDOM OF GOD has come to us in the person of Jesus Christ on earth and  that He will return to earth to complete the establishment of God’s eternal reign over all creation.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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