CCS Student Research Discussion Registration 2nd event
Cambridge Climate Society is hosting its Second Student Research Discussion night on  _ in the David Attenborough Building. This event will give you the unique opportunity to showcase your research in climate change and related fields to a wider audience. We ask you to present your research in just three minutes, so get your elevator pitch ready. Selected participants will be asked to submit a single static slide summarising their research in advance of the event. Presentations will be followed by a meet and mingle to network and discuss shared topics of interest. The event will start at 6:30 PM.
Email *
Email ID (Cambridge email if possible)
You are a(n)
Research field(s)
Please list out the fields your research would come under (can be as general or specific as you like)
Project title
Project descriptrion
Please give a brief description of your research project. Try to make it as easy for a non-expert to understand as possible!
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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