Community Input Survey on Gaps and Barriers in International Arctic Research
To gather more community input for the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3), the organizers have put together a short survey asking for suggestions for policy-level actions to address research gaps and barriers to increased international collaboration. This survey is a companion to the 2nd ASM3 webinar on Gaps and Barriers.

As part of the ASM3 process, we will be hosting a special webinar on the gaps and barriers in international Arctic research. The webinar will be opened by with a summary of the feedback received from ASM3 participating countries and organizations to a series of questions about international research gaps, opportunities and challenges. Next on the agenda will be a panel of speakers presenting recent synthesis reports on research gaps and lessons-learned from projects that have navigated many international barriers with a short Q&A following. After the panel, participants will have the opportunity to participate in breakout sessions addressing a) data and infrastructure, b) education and capacity building, c) sustained observations, d) societally relevant research and e) visas, permits, and other bureaucratic hurdles. The breakout sessions aim to develop and prioritize actions needed to more effectively address challenges and barriers to international Arctic research efforts. The resulting prioritized actions will form the basis of recommendations published in the ASM3 report.

Input received before 9 November will be included in the breakout session discussions on prioritized actions. Input received after this date but before closing on the 20th, will be synthesized and incorporated into the results from the webinar as much as possible.
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