#FeedtheHood6 - Sunday, August 5
WHAT: Feed the Hood 6
DATE: Sunday, August 5, 2018
TIME: 7:00 AM
WHERE: Cristo Rey De La Salle East Bay High School
ADDRESS: 1530 34th Ave, Oakland, CA 94601
RSVP: bit.ly/feedthehood6

The people have spoken. The need is great. Join us for another opportunity to Feed the Hood! We are excited to host #FeedTheHood6 bagged lunch and hygiene kit preparation and distribution to homeless and unsheltered populations across Oakland.

**Event is family friendly (kids of all ages welcome to attend with their parent(s) or guardian).
**Coffee/tea and continental breakfast will be served for volunteers.
**Venue is wheelchair accessible.

LOGISTICS: Meeting at 7 AM to assemble the lunches/hygiene kits. Will form into teams. Head out by 9:30 AM in caravans lead by trained ambassadors to distribute the lunches/hygiene kits to the encampments, vulnerable/persons in need across Oakland. We will conclude by 11 AM.

PARKING: street parking available.

For questions, donations and volunteer opportunities please email us at feedthehood@eastoaklandcollective.com.

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Full Name *
Email Address *
Are you able to attend the lunch & hygiene kit assembly and distribution on Sunday, August 5, 7:00 AM? *
How many people are included in your RSVP?
[DONATION OPTION 1 - FOOD] I can contribute ALL or SOME of the food items listed below. Please check if you can contribute a full lunch package OR check each item you can contribute. Note: we encourage purchases to be as organic, nitrate free, non-GMO, etc. as possible. Various quantities of all items gladly accepted.
[DONATION OPTION 2: HYGIENE KITS] I can bring one or more of the following items:
[DONATION OPTION 3: $$] I would like to make a monetary donation to assist with purchasing supplies. I will make a donation via one of the following ways:
Feel free to note any questions or concerns and we'll get back to you soon!
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