Phylotastic product feedback
We appreciate feedback on any aspect of the Phylotastic system.  Please use the form below to report bugs, make feature requests, or relay comments.
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Which phylotastic product? *
What purpose?
How serious?   *
What is the issue, request, or comment? *
What  did you want the phylotastic tool to do?  What did you hope would happen, and what happened instead?  Provide enough detail so that we can reproduce the problem or understand the issue.  If you need to share a file, provide contact information below.  
What is the setup? *
Identify your operating system (e.g., OSX, Windows) and browser, and ideally provide a version number for each.  For the mobile app, identify your hardware.  For the portal, identify your browser (see the "About" box accessed from your browser's menu bar).
What is your email address?
Providing your email address allows us to contact you for more information.  We will not share it, and we will only contact you in regard to this project and its successors.  
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