Application for TMT Hilo Workshop: December 3-7, 2016
Preparing TMT Future Science and Technology Leaders: A Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

The Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory is hosting a 4-day workshop in Hilo, Hawaii, starting the evening of Saturday, December 3 through Wednesday, December 7.  The workshop will include talks by TMT leaders on topics such as project management, a hands-on engineering activity to learn about analog to digital conversion, engage in authentic engineering practices, and gain experience with teamwork and collaboration, as well as summit facility tours and other activities.  The workshop participants will be helping to shape a potential future TMT international program with their input and workshop experiences.  We are looking for astronomy and engineering graduate students and post-doctoral researchers who are able to come to Hilo for the entirety of the workshop and are interested in helping us shape the future internship program.
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Priority Deadline
First consideration will be made for applications submitted by WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2016 at midnight, Pacific Standard Time.
Full Name (as it appears in passport) *
Email Address *
Institution *
Country *
Position *
Field of Study/Research *
Affiliation with the Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory *
Research Advisor
After we receive your application, we will be contacting your research advisor for a very brief recommendation and some supplemental information to help us in the selection process.
Research Advisor's Name *
Research Advisor's Email Address *
Briefly, why are you interested in this workshop? *
If selected, I will be available to be in Hilo, Hawaii by Saturday evening, Dec. 3 through Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016 *
Funding Availability & Request for Travel Support
TIO will be able to fund a limited number of participants' lodging, food, and ground transportation in Hilo, Hawaii.  Transportation funds are greatly limited and applicants with funding for their own airfare will be given a higher priority if necessary.  Please indicate the level of funding you are able to provide for yourself and if you are requesting funding for roundtrip airfare.
Funding Availability *
Airport of Origination *
What airport will you be departing from and returning to before and after the workshop?
Do you have a current passport? *
If you do have a current passport, when does it expire?
Do you have a current U.S. Visa?
Clear selection
If you do have a current U.S. Visa, when does it expire?
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