2023-24 School Year Interest Form (Students)
For Love of Children (FLOC) offers one on one tutoring in math and reading as well as college prep advisory to Washington DC students. We offer weekly programming for the full school year. Students who participate on a weekly basis with minimum absences experience concept mastery that equates to 1 year or more of grade level equivalency! 
Dates: TBD Program runs through the Christmas break and resumes mid January through May. Students receive a minimum of 28 weeks of services per school year.
Time: Monday- Thursday 6:00-8:00pm 
Location: 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, WDC 20003 (FLOC Main Building; directly across the street from Potomac Avenue metro station) Program sessions are in-person (there are no virtual options available)
                  1770 Euclid St. NW, WDC 20009 (Adams Morgan Community Center-located next door to The Line    Hotel) Program sessions are in-person (there are no virtual options available)
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Email *
I meet FLOC program eligibility requirements (MUST meet ALL listed to enroll) *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Contact number *
Select the number of students you are interested in enrolling (Must be legally responsible for enrollment) *
Student (s) Grade during the 2023-24 School Year (if none of the below grades apply; the student is not eligible for services) PLEASE check a box for each student you are interested in enrolling. *
Are you interested in math, reading, college prep or multiple programs? (Select all programs that your student is eligible. Ex. 3rd graders are not eligible for College Prep but are eligible for all other programs) *
Does your student have an IEP or 504 plan? (You will need to provide during the application process to ensure our services align with student needs.) *
Questions for us? (Feel free to reach us via phone at 202) 349-3513 or ntp@floc.org)
Alternate email (list if you have a different email than you are using to submit form or if you would like the official application to go to multiple email addresses)
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