2022 Consistory Nomination Form
People of Trinity Reformed Church,
A sure sign that spring will come is our annual consistory nominations letter finding its way into your hands. Each year we nominate, elect, ordain, and install two elders and two deacons for three-year terms that start in May. Your nominations begin the process of selecting the next class of leaders for our congregation.
As a church in the Reformed tradition we have a presbyterian form of government. Instead of concentrating power in the hands of an individual or diffusing responsibility among an entire congregation, we believe scripture reveals that the authority and responsibility of leadership is best entrusted to a group of representatives who are accountable to the body they come from. We trace the tradition of elders and deacons back to the first days of the church.
We ask for your help in discerning whom the Holy Spirit is calling forward to serve in these offices.
Please fill out the nominations form below, which may be submitted through Sunday, February 13. In making your nominations, we encourage you to include a note about the gifts you see in the person being nominated. Naming these gifts helps the consistory in their discernment process and encourages the people nominated to accept their call.
Mindful of your nominations, the consistory will create a single slate of candidates and submit them to you for election at the April 10 Congregational Meeting.
We thank you for your participation in the nomination process (participation being another important theme in our Reformed tradition). If you have any questions about the nomination or election process, please connect with any member of consistory.
With Joy & Gratitude in Christ,
Benjamin Bruins, Co-Pastor
Sarah Bruins, Co-Pastor
Abbie Larink, Clerk of Consistory