Participant Survey:   Oct 12, 2022:  「Learn about Home and Community Care Support Services 地域介護支援を知ろう:ホーム&コミュニティケア・サポートサービス」参加者アンケート
Thank you for attending the above seminar.
Due to the pandemic still threatening all of our lives, we will be continuing our online services. Please answer the survey for this seminar to share your thoughts, and help us plan this better.

*The responses will be submitted anonymously. If you have any questions that require our reply, please contact us separately. You can also write it in this survey form, as long as you can also share your name and contact information for us to reach out to you.



Momiji Health Care Society / Japanese Social Services / Yee Hong Centre
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What do you feel about the length of the seminar you attended?  参加した講座の時間(長さはいかがでしたか? *
Rate how satisfied you were with this seminar (1: Very UNsatisfied - 5: Very satisfied). 今回の講座の満足度を教えてください(1:とても不満足、5:とても満足) *
Very UNsatisfied とても不満足
Very satisfied とても満足
Please tell us the reason of your rating above. 上で選んだ番号の理由を、教えてください。
What did you learn from this seminar? このセミナーで学んだことは何ですか?(Check all that apply 複数回答可) *
Any other Home and Community Care Support Services related topics would you be interested in learning more about? ホーム&コミュニティケア・サポートサービスについてもっと知りたい事があれば教えてください。
Any other topic(s) you would like us cover in this e-Learning sessions? 他にオンラインで受けてみたい講座があれば、トピックを教えてください。
Any challenge you are facing due to this pandemic? このパンデミックで困っていることはありますか。
Any other comments and suggestions その他、ご意見やご感想など、ご自由にどうぞ。
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