Somerville Civics Quiz
How well do you know your government in Somerville?
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What is the document that defines the City of Somerville's government and how it functions? *
1 point
What form of government does the City of Somerville have? *
1 point
Which is the best description of the balance of powers in the City of Somerville's government? *
1 point
Somerville is broken down into wards. How many wards are there in Somerville? *
1 point
Wards are broken down into precincts. How many precincts are there per ward in Somerville? *
1 point
Which form of elections does Somerville use? *
1 point
Who is the current Mayor of Somerville? *
1 point
What is the length of the Mayor of Somerville's term of office? *
1 point
What is the limit on the number of consecutive terms one person can serve as Mayor of Somerville? *
1 point
What is the salary for the Mayor of Somerville? *
1 point
The first woman was elected Mayor of Somerville in 1999. When was the city's charter updated to no longer refer to the mayor as male? *
1 point
What is the length of a Somerville City Councilor's term of office? *
1 point
How many seats are on the Somerville City Council? *
1 point
What is the breakdown of seats on the Somerville City Council? *
1 point
Who presides over the Somerville City Council? *
1 point
What is the salary for a Somerville City Councilor? *
1 point
Which *IS* a power held by the Somerville City Council? *
1 point
Which is NOT a power held by the Somerville City Council? *
1 point
How many votes are required to approve a bonding (borrowing) request before the Somerville City Council? *
1 point
How many votes are required for the Somerville City Council to override a mayoral veto? *
1 point
When did Somerville officially change the name of the Board of Aldermen to the City Council? *
1 point
What is the process called when the City of Somerville seeks state permission for a charter revision or ordinance? *
1 point
What limits the City of Somerville's power to increase taxes? *
1 point
How are Somerville School Committee members selected? *
1 point
What is the breakdown of seats on the Somerville School Committee? *
1 point
Who presides over the Somerville School Committee? *
1 point
What is the length of a Somerville School Committee member's term of office? *
1 point
What is the salary for a Somerville School Committee member? *
1 point
Who controls public school buildings in Somerville? *
1 point
When are municipal elections held in Somerville? *
1 point
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