BRSOC Membership Application
Please fill out the form below.
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Email address (this is our primary means of communicating with you so please give us the email you use the most) *
Spouse (Name, Address, and phone number - required if paying for family membership)
Children's names and dates of birth (18 and under or 23 and under if still in school), required if paying for family membership.
Type of Membership (Single-$18 or Family-$30) per year *
Interests (check all that apply)
Favorite Ski Areas
Would you like to be a volunteer? (check all that apply)
Membership Release Agreement                                     The Blue Ridge Ski and Outing Club (BRSOC) is a non profit organization run entirely by volunteer Officers and Board Members who have no special or professional training in conducting trips or other activities. The BRSOC provides a variety of activities for its members, many of which are, to varying degrees, hazardous. By signing this membership application, I voluntarily assume all risks involved and I, for myself, my heirs, executors, and assignees do hereby release and discharge the BRSOC, its Officers and Board Members from all claims for any accident or injury to my person or property resulting from my participation in any Club activity. I understand that copies of the BRSOC Bylaws are available from the board members upon request. I agree to abide by all the Bylaws and standing policies of the BRSOC. Having read this consent and release of liability, I understand its terms and enter into this membership.                                                             ******Signature Required below by typing your full name.  Spouse Signature required also if applying for a family membership *
Payment Type *
If paid by cash or check to a board member, who did you pay and what event and date did you pay?
Today's Date *
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