Caregiver Support Group Evaluation
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Date of session last attended: *
Please check the number that best matches how you feel :
(1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree)
Attending this support group....
Gives me a non-judgmental place to talk about my experiences as a caregiver.
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Reduces my anxiety level about my care-giving experience.
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Helps me feel less isolated in my care-giving.
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Helps me learn strategies for coping with care-giving responsibilities.
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The facilitator(s) of the group was/were:
Knowledgeable about care-giving issues.
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Makes sure everyone got a chance to speak.
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Accepting of my feelings.
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Helpful in exploring strategies for care-giving.
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The best thing about this group was...
I would change...
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