Referral form for wellbeing workshops
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First name of individual *
Last name of individual *
Telephone number *
Email address *
Gender *
Home country  *
Ethnicity *
Language(s) spoken *
Date of birth *
Immigration status (if known) *
Who referred you to us? / How did you find out about us? *
Please provide details of any food intolerants? (for refreshments purposes)
Phone number and name of a contact for emergencies *
Is there anything we should know about your ability to be able to access our wellbeing services? (eg. communication needs, medical needs, sensory needs and triggers)
Form completed by *
Data protection - we are committed to treating your personal data effectively under UK GDPR. The above data helps us to ensure we can support you effectively on your wellbeing journey. We may also use your data for statistical analysis/monitoring purposes. Your data will not be shared with third parties without informing you. Please indicate below your consent to our retaining your data for these purposes. For more details about our Data Protection Policy, or to withdraw consent, please contact the Data Protection Officer at
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