Down the YBP Retreat Sign Up Form 2023
The 1st Ever Down the YBP Retreat at the Land of Oz Theme Park is an independently produced event in connection with the annual Autumn at Oz Festival in Beech Mountain, North Carolina.

Dates are Friday, September 15th-Sunday September 17th and the retreat will be limited to 10-15 people, including a Fri 9/15 live performance with trivia, Sat 9/16 afternoon retreat (lunch included) plus exclusive after hour park access, and Sun 9/17 Land of Oz Theme Park Day (park pass included).  The Patreon Retreat Rate is $175/adult person and Regular Rate is $205/person.

Lodging and transportation are not included for the weekend, but a limited block of discounted rooms are available at the Best Western Mountain Lodge at Banner Elk booked before Monday August 14th or sold out.  Please call 828-898-4571 to book at your earliest convenience.  
Email *
Name: *
Email: *
Pronouns (Optional):
Venmo Handle: *
Birthdate: *
Will you be staying at the Best Western Mountain Lodge at Banner Elk?
I acknowledge accommodations and travel are not provided within the retreat package. (Please initial).
We would love to make this event as inclusive and accessible as possible.  Please note below if there are any accessibility requests to better support your physical, sensory, and/or cognitive experience as well as dietary restrictions.  
Regarding the Wonderful Wellness of Oz afternoon retreat workshop, what are you hoping to experience?
Gratitude to you for filling out this form! If you are attending with any other family members, please fill out an individual form for each attending person (family rates available!)

We will send a Venmo request for payment (including service charges) to officially confirm your attendance. 

We can't wait to see you at the Land of Oz!
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