Engineering Carnival Volunteer Sign-Up Form
When: Saturday, February 11, 2017
Where: CWRU, Thwing Ballroom
Time: 11 am - 3 pm
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Email *
Are you signing up as an individual or as part of a student group? *
If you are part of a student organization, which one? (Input N/A for individuals) *
If you are registering for your organization, give an estimate of how many students you expect to participate (Input N/A for individuals) *
First Name (if an organization, list primary contact) *
Last Name *
Which shift(s) do you want to volunteer for? *
Do you/your organization want to create an activity, or have one assigned to you? *
If you would like to create your own activity, please describe activity(ies):
Note: Supplies can be reimbursed if the activity is approved PRIOR to supply purchase
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