Unnatural Election Submission Form
- Works MUST relate to the 2016 US Presidential Election and its impact on social justice, race/gender issues, human rights, women/Lgbtq/immigrant's rights, economic justice, the environment, international relations, etc.

- All interpretations and all media will be considered (Images that mock Mr./Mrs. Trump's physical appearance exclusively will not be considered, works that use physical attributes to make a point are ok.)
- All accepted works will be published online, formatted to a square, to form a virtual mosaic of many images.
- Works may also be part of physical exhibitions (printed, no original art.)
- Artists keep copyright and original art.
- RIGHTS: By submitting their work, artists agree to allow their images to be used for this project (online and physical exhibits, related promotion, print/online media articles and possibly a book.) without financial compensation.
 - Please share with anyone who might be interested in participating.
- This is an independent project, I work with no funding and no affiliations with any organizations.

1) Each artist can submit up to 10 works. PLEASE SUBMIT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH WORK.
2) In addition to filling out this form, email all works to: unnaturalelection@gmail.com with the subject "Last Name - UE Submission". Also send the following information in the body of the email: artist, title, year, media, country of birth/residency, email, website, and social media (Facebook, twitter, instagram, if available).

- FILENAMES: All file names must be formatted:
          Firstname Lastname_Title_Media_Country(birth/residency).jpg
          (ex: "Nancy Smith_Hope_Oil on canvas_Canada/USA.jpg")
- IMAGES: Send a high-resolution jpg that is 300dpi and 6” on largest side (Maximum size 2MB.)
- VIDEO: Send video as a .mov file or link to youtube AND send a still image to be printed for exhibition (maximum size 40MB.)
- TEXT: Send as word doc. of max 200 words or as an image (all texts will be shown as images).

ONGOING, early submissions appreciated. The sooner you submit, the sooner artwork will be considered for the website, exhibits, and book.

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First Name (Nombre) *
Last Name (Apellido) *
Title of Work (Título de la obra) *
Year (Año) *
Media (Técnica) *
Size (Medidas, en pulgadas, ancho por alto) *
Width x Height x Depth (if not applicable, write N/A)
Country of birth / residency (País de nacimiento/residencia) *
Ex: Mexico / USA
Brief Visual Description of Work (Breve descripción de la obra, 1-10 palabras, por ejemplo "Estatua de la libertad llorando") *
1-10 words, under 50 characters (ex: Lady Liberty crying)
Email *
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
(if applicable)
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