State Healthy Soil Policy –feedback
Do you have corrections or additions to the information on your state's healthy soil policy? We welcome your feedback!
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Your information
Your full name: *
Your email: *
Your state (the state you live in): *
State Policy Information
Please feel free to use the template below in a way that makes sense in the context of your state and share what you think would be helpful for others to know. You don't need to fill out all the fields.
State (the state you are commenting on): *
Policy (the title of the policy you are commenting on) *
Dates (dates that are relevant to the policy, e.g. introduction or passing):
Legislation (bill number or numbers):
Sponsors (main bill sponsor or sponsors):
Description (a short summary of the bill):
Soil Health Definition (if applicable –if soil health is not literally defined, how does the bill approach soil health, e.g. by naming benefits?)
Stated Goals (if applicable –often found in the bill's preamble):
Program Required Measurements (Does the policy specify how to measure soil health or other relevant parameters? If measurements are not specified, does the policy install a mechanism to acquire this information?):
Tools (what tools might be used to make the required measurements?):
Funding Source (is there a state appropriation connected to the policy or does the policy access other funding sources?):
Funding Type (if the policy pertains to a funding program, what type of funding is offered, e.g. grants or loans?):
Practices eligible for funding (are soil health practices or principles specified –if not, does the policy outline a process for determining soil health practices or principles?):
Agencies Involved (who is tasked with implementing and administering the policy?):
Rulemaking process (if not spelled out in the bill language, do you know how the policy will be implemented?):
State Universities & Researchers (institutions that are involved in soil health research in the state –may or may not be mentioned in the bill language):
Agricultural Organizations & Technical Assistance (organizations that can provide technical assistance to implement the policy –may or may not be mentioned in the bill language):
Education & Advocacy Groups (who is involved with soil health education and advocacy for this policy?):
Lessons Learned (please share any information that might be useful for other states –successes, pitfalls, things you wish you would have known before embarking on your soil health advocacy journey):
Media (any media coverage the policy received):
Thank you so much for your feedback!
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