Annually, Cleveland conducts a needs assessment on how Title I funds should be spent. We still do not know what our funding will be for next school year, but we should find out some time in February. Please rank the following positions and categories that have been funded with Title I funds in the recent past. Keep in mind, we are not able to fund General Supplies (paper, pencils, glue, etc.) but are able to fund supplemental materials (novels, calculators, dissection animals, online materials, virtual field trips and atlases) for the English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Special Education departments (this is not a Cleveland decision, but federal law). If you have other suggestions or questions, send Bill Smith an email at Please complete this survey as soon as possible. Thank you for your participation, it does make a difference.
Using the pulldown menu, PLEASE RANK ALL CHOICES, not just your top four choices.
4 = Top Priority 3 = Priority 2 = Some Priority 1 = Least Priority
Clasificación – 4 es alto y 1 es bajo