Indy Man Beer Con 2016 / Volunteer Application Form
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First name *
Date of birth (must be over 18 to volunteer) *
Enter your address, including postcode. *
Mobile telephone number
Email address *
Have you previously volunteered at IMBC? *
If yes, please give details of your volunteer role.
Please tick the dates/times that you are available during the festival
Are you available for the Volunteer Briefing on the evening of either Sunday 25th September or Monday 26th September? (Please tick both boxes if you are currently available on both dates)
Do you want to volunteer at more than x1 session?
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Please tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at the moment (work / education / self-employment / looking for work / family responsibilities / anything else)
If in education, please tell us your place and course of study.
If unemployed, please tell us how long you have been out of work.
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Please tell us why you would like to volunteer at IMBC?
Please tell us what you hope to gain by volunteering with us?
Please tell us about any relevant personal, educational, professional, and/or voluntary experience you feel is relevant to volunteering at IMBC.
What is your Tshirt size?
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IMBC aims to look after the interest of all its volunteers. In order for us to appropriately involve you to the greatest extent, it would help us to know of any health conditions or disabilities that you may have. Please give a brief description below if this is the case. Please also tell us how we can assist you in carrying out volunteer duties. Please do not feel obliged to answer this question if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
How did you hear about volunteering opportunities at IMBC?
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Emergency contact name:
Emergency contact telephone number:
Emergency contact relationship to you:
I agree that all the information inputted into this form was correct at the time of completion. I agree to IMBC contacting me about volunteer opportunities. Please sign below (by type your name as a digital signature).
Would you like to be added to the IMBC mailing list?
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