Polkatarot Whitelist & Airdrop Form
In order to get a spot on the IDO & Airdrop, please complete these tasks.

1. Follow Polkatarot Twitter channel: https://twitter.com/PktaFoundation
2. Join Polkatarot Telegram channel: https://t.me/Polkatarot
3. Join Polkatarot Telegram chat: https://t.me/polkatarotcom
4. Retweet the pinned Tweet on the Polkatarot twitter account. Make sure you include the cashtags #IDO #Swap #GameFi
5. Fill out the form according to our instructions here

Every 24 hours, at 02:00H (UTC), we will announce the IDO & Airdrop winners:

⚔️ Every day, 500 people with the most valid referrals of the day will receive an airdrop (20 BUSD each). The airdrop will be distributed 2 days after announcing.
⚔️ Every day, there will be 85 random people allowed to participate in IDO (we will have 80 publicized wallets and 5 anonymous wallets. You need to visit swap.polkatarot.com connected with metamask to check. If you are on the list, you will be allowed to buy PKTA)
⚔️The winners of the IDO campaign will be able to purchase PKTA as soon as we provide the list (Limited to 2hrs, if the payment does not proceed, the player will be disqualified)

Good Luck!

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Twitter username ( For example: @abc ) *
Telegram handle ( For example: @abc ) *
Paste the link to your Tweet *
Your BP20 address ( Non exchange,  ) *
Telegram username of the referrer  (optional)
Type this code: EGDO2O *
This code is to verify you are a human. Protected by xfanatical.
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