Recycled Lines Consignment Agreement - 2023
A consignment agreement must be completed before consignments are accepted. Please contact us at with any questions. Thank you.
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* Consignor agrees to present items and clothing that are clean, ironed, and free from defects (ie missing buttons, holes, stains, broken zipper, etc.). All items must be in ready to wear condition. Any imperfect item will be donated, not returned, please check clothing carefully.
* Recycled Lines reserves the right to accept or decline any item(s) for consignment at their sole discretion, and retains the right to display items as they see fit.
* Recycled Lines will reimburse Consignor 40% of the price for which the item is purchased. Recycled Lines will retain 60% of the selling cost. Payment dispersement will be made within 30 days to the Consignor.
* Consignor represents that they are the owner of the item(s) to be consigned, that the goods are sellable, and free from any liens.
* Consignor has reviewed the brand listing, and will discuss and acceptance of brands not on the list with Recycled Lines.

* Recycled Lines does not guarantee that your item(s) will sell, either expressed or implied. 
* Recycled Lines reserves the right to determine the selling price of your item(s). 
* Recycled Lines is not responsible for item(s) lost or damaged by fire, theft, vandalism, flood or natural disaster.
Recycled Lines will do their best to sell your item(s) within 90 days of consignment. Any item(s) not retrieved after 90 days will be donated. If you prefer not to donate unsold item(s) after 90 days, please check here. The Consignor is responsible for retrieving unsold item(s) from Consignee.
By electronically signing this contract, I agree to all the terms and conditions listed.
Please enter your first and last name.
Date Signed *
Consignor Contact Information
First and Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone *
Dispersement Method - Venmo or Check (check payments will be sent to address provided above.) *
If Venmo, please provide Venmo address. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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