r/clevercomebacks Mod Application
What is your Reddit username?
What is your timezone?
(https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/). If you're nocturnal or something you can select the timezone that lines up with your active hours.
Please give at least one example of an r/clevercomebacks post that you think fit the sub well or was high quality.
Please include links to any posts you mention. Feel free to give explanation or multiple examples if you want to.
Please give at least one example of an r/clevercomebacks post that you think should not have been approved.
Please include links to any posts you mention. Once again, feel free to give explanation or multiple examples, or to leave blank if you do not think any recent posts should have been removed. No, this isn't a trick question, you won't lose points for telling us we did a bad job on a post.
Why do you want to be a mod? (or, Is there anything else you want to tell us?)
This question's intentionally pretty open-ended. You might want to talk a bit about what you think could be changed about the sub, if anything, or tell us about anything you think we should know.
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