Hult Prize Campus Directors             Application 2019-2020
We are very excited that you are interested in bringing the Hult Prize On Campus Program  to your campus! Being the face of social change and life-altering impact at your university is a huge responsibility - we couldn't be more thrilled with your decision.  ✨💫

Please take a few minutes to complete the form below so we can learn a little bit more about you. Campus directors will be confirmed on a rolling basis - Please fill out this form in ENGLISH! Applications in other languages will not be considered. 🌎💼

Apply today to ensure you don't miss the chance to be your school's campus director! ✨ 🌎

Due to a high number of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview.
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Full Name (first and last name) *
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Region *
Country (Where your university is located) *
City (Where your university is located) *
Name of University or College *
If you do not see your university listed, scroll to the bottom and select "other".
In case you selected "other", please write the name of your university
Email *
Phone Number (Include country and area code) *
WhatsApp Number (Include country and area code) *
Link to Facebook Profile (If available)
Skype ID or Google Hangouts (Gmail address) *
If you don't have Skype or Google Hangouts, please share an alternative platform and username that you use. (Example: Link to Facebook profile)
What degree are you pursuing? *
Please confirm that you will be a student during the 2019-2020 academic year *
Previous Hult Prize experience (Check all that apply) *
Were you a 2018/2019 campus director?
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How would you rate your campus involvement (clubs, extracurriculars, leadership positions, etc.) *
Not involved- too busy with classes!
Very involved- Member of several clubs/president of student body/captain of sports team/etc.
How would you rate your event management experience? *
Little-to-no event planning/management experience
Very experienced running large events (50+ people)
Why would you rock as a campus director? (150 words or less) *
Please describe a leadership experience that prepares you for this role. *
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself?
If you were referred by a campus director, please write his or her name below :
Due to the large volume of applications, we will not be able to respond to each one. Only selected applicants will be contacted for an interview. Thank you for your application!
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