Open letter regarding GSU priorities

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to express concern regarding the GSU’s recent organizational priorities. GSU leadership has dedicated significant time and resources to take a position on the Israel-Hamas war - deviating and detracting from the GSU’s core mission of representing the collective labor interests of all graduate students. This has served to weaken our union and alienate its members. 

GSU leadership has claimed that MIT has violated our contract by suspending graduate students for protesting. However, these individuals were disciplined for disrupting free use of campus facilities after repeated warnings to stop from MIT. Moreover, time spent fighting these issues is wasted as the collective bargaining agreement waives the union's right to interfere in such disciplinary issues:

“The Union acknowledges that it has no right to interfere with or grieve decisions regarding academic performance, academic discipline, or student conduct policy violations, including such decisions that may impact a student’s employment.” –CBA Article 6, Section 2 (page 18)

We are disturbed by GSU leadership’s irresponsible behavior in misleading the graduate student population. By falsely claiming that MIT violated the contract, they undermine the credibility and legitimacy of organized labor at MIT in all future disputes. The union is dedicating time and resources constructing grievances that are not protected under the contract rather than focusing on issues that affect all graduate students, such as pay and healthcare coverage.

We call on our GSU leaders to faithfully represent the collective unifying interest of the entire graduate student population, or resign.  


MIT Graduate Students

If you are an MIT graduate student and wish to sign this letter, please fill out the form below.

  1. Jason Friedman (Sloan)
  2. Roi Orzach (14)
  3. Liyam chitayat (CSB)
  4. Benjy Firester (math)
  5. Leo Cohen (Sloan School of Management)
  6. Elyssa Hofgard (EECS)
  7. Reuven Falkovich (Chemistry)
  8. Sabrina Corsetti (EECS)
  9. Parmida Davarmanesh (EECS)
  10. Yael Kirkpatrick  (Mathematics )
  11. Rebecca Lin (EECS)
  12. Daniel Edelman (EECS)
  13. Katerina Boukin (CEE)
  14. Inbar Chityat (Mechanical Engineering )
  15. Daniel O'Connor (Economics)
  16. Amelia Baum (DUSP)
  17. Adina Bechhofer  (EECS)
  18. Joseph Feld (EECS)
  19. Yanina (Chemistry)
  20. Daniel Lazarev (Mathematics)
  21. Christian Studebaker (Architecture)
  22. Tal Joseph  (Mechanical engineering )
  23. Shakked Noy (Economics)
  24. James Okun (Economics)
  25. Lucas Barros (Economics)
  26. Beatriz Yankelevich  (EECS)
  27. Aaron Thornton (Sloan)
  28. Shoumik Chowdhury (EECS)
  29. P. Sharpe (AeroAstro)
  30. Tamar Kadosh Zhitomirsky  (DMSE )
  31. William A. Sussman (EECS)
  32. Amit Schechter (EECS)
  33. Levi Gershon (Mechanical Engineering)
  34. Ariel Attias (1. Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  35. Rachel Holladay (EECS)
  36. Talia Khan (Mechanical Engineering)
  37. Nofit Segal (DMSE)
  38. Daniel T. Kessler (MAS)
  39. Rebecca Boiarsky (EECS)
  40. Juan Manuel Escolar (Economics)
  41. Anurag Ajay (EECS)
  42. Caleb knight  (EM / SDM)
  43. Anantha (MechE)
  44. Pedro Martinez-Bruera (Economics)
  45. Jackson Mejia (Economics)
  46. Avigail Gilad (SA+P)
  47. Trevor Long (AeroAstro)
  48. Ethan Benderly-Kremen  (Materials Science and Engineering )
  49. Jesse Michel (CSAIL)
  50. Thomas Cohn (EECS)
  51. Seiji Shaw (EECS)
  52. Cindy Zhang (Sloan)
  53. Nicholas Ezra Pfaff (EECS)
  54. Zachi Attia (Sloan)
  55. Conor Perks (NSE)
  56. Matthew Radzihovsky  (EECS)
  57. Daniel Schaffer (CSB)
  58. Thomas Lee (IDSS)
  59. Hyung Ju Suh (EECS)
  60. Adi Kupershmidt  (DUSP)
  61. James McGreivy (Physics)
  62. Logan Weber (EECS)
  63. Joshua Engels (EECS)
  64. Elinor Poole-Dayan  (Media Arts and Science)
  65. Hugh Smith (Materials Science and Engineering)
  66. Yovel Lendner (Biology)
  67. Mitchell Harris (Mathematics )
  68. Ava Waitz (DMSE)
  69. Arielle Weinstein (Biology)
  70. Alexa Gomberg (Biology )
  71. Kristen Petrenko (Sloan)
  72. Andrew Stasiuk (NSE)
  73. Idan Shenfeld (EECS)
  74. Alex Amice (EECS)
  75. Geoffrey Svensson (Aero Astro)
  76. Peter werner (Eecs)
  77. Gabriel Mintzer (EECS)
  78. Jacob Mack (DMSE )
  79. Kevin Qian (Chemistry )
  80. Duc Hoang (Physics)
  81. Isaac Harris (EECS)
  82. William Harris (Mechanical Engineering)
  83. Eric Moreno (Physics)
  84. Erick Fuentes (Aero/Astro)
  85. Jeff Krupa (Physics)
  86. Savva Morozov (EECS)
  87. Cora Natalia Barrett (Physics)
  88. Henrik Dahl Pinholt (Physics)
  89. Daniel Chu (Chemical Engineering)
  90. Peyman Shahidi (Sloan)
  91. Amelia Cavallaro (Course 22, Nuclear Science & Engineering)
  92. Adam Gebner (Course 2 + 15)
  93. Felix Knollmann (Physics)
  94. Skylar Dannhoff (physics)
  95. Daniel Mayer (Physics)
  96. Jiaruo li  (Physics )
  97. Florian  Koehler (EECS)
  98. Gefen Baranes (Physics)
  99. Anastasiya Grebin (Biological engineering)
  100. Itamar Chinn (EECS)
  101. Jeremy Wohlwend (EECS)
  102. Ahmet Kemal Demir (Physics)
  103. Natasha Stamler (Mechanical Engineering)
  104. Alex Ungar (EECS)
  105. Gad Zuaretz (Sloan)
  106. Eden Adler (EECS)
  107. Avinoam Singer (Biology)
  108. Tally Portnoi (EECS)
  109. Camilla Sazoia (EECS)
  110. Peter Holderrieth (EECS)
  111. Karen Yang (EECS)
  112. Ariel Flasterstein (Sloan)
  113. Idan Shenfeld (EECS)
  114. Nicole Vereczkey (Sloan)
  115. Adam Block (Mathematics)
  116. Tomer Shoher-Levy (Sloan)
  117. Itay Fayer (Biology)
  118. David Rower (Physics)
  119. Maya Makarovsky (Sloan)
  120. Alexa Katz (Sloan)
  121. Itai Levin (Biological Engineering)
  122. Samuel Tenka (EECS)
  123. Jessica Fry (Physics)
  124. Matias Umaschi (Sloan)
  125. Rotem Shmuel (Sloan)
  126. Daniel Pickard (AeroAstro)
  127. Michael Fernandez (MechE)
  128. Lauren Chai (Mechanical Engineering)
  129. Lokesh Sangabattula  (DMSE)
  130. Yinjing Xi (EECS)
  131. Daniel Sellers (BioE)
  132. David Mayo (EECS)
  133. Daniel Pickard (Aerospace Engineering )
  134. Tuval Danenberg (Economics)
  135. Wenhao Xu (MechE)
  136. Bernhard Paus Graesdal (EECS)
  137. Audrey Saltzman (Nuclear Science and Engineering )
  138. Jeffrey Wang (Nuclear Science and Engineering)
  139. Andrey Bryutkin (Mathematics)
  140. Zhi Kai Tio (Chemical Engineering)
  141. Jacob Adams (Nuclear Science and engineering)
  142. Roei Dery (Physics)
  143. Adam Wei (EECS)
  144. Adam Block (Mathematics)
  145. Eliana Feygin (DMSE)
  146. André Fonseca (Physics )
  147. Dominika Durovcikova (Physics)
  148. Ishaan Parikh (Sloan)
  149. Carl Gustav Gleske (Sloan)
  150. Luca Frederic Beaujean (Sloan)
  151. Jan Hofman (Sloan)
  152. Kevin Schurr (Sloan)
  153. Mathis Weigel (Sloan)
  154. Reuben Allen (Chemistry)
  155. Anji Zhang (Chemistry)
  156. Daniel Sheen (EECS)
  157. Nathan Morgan (ChemE)
  158. Anna Ferdinand (Physics)
  159. Maya Chattoraj (Chemistry)
  160. Benjamin S. Manning (Sloan)
  161. Chanan Sessler (Chemistry)
  162. Archie Stewart (Chemistry)
  163. Victoria Gomerdinger (Chemical Engineering)
  164. Jenna Fromer (Chemical Engineering)
  165. Aditya Agarwal (EECS)
  166. Bipasha Sen (EECS)
  167. Yoni Friedman (EECS)
  168. Joshua Ramette (Physics)
  169. Noah Golowich (EECS)
  170. Daniel DeSantis (EECS)

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