Questions for Ward 10  Councillor candidates
Produced by the Olde Berlin Town, Central  Frederick, and Mount Hope Breithaupt Park Neighbourhood Associations to collect questions and concerns to ask the Ward 10 Councillor candidates at an all candidates meeting to be held at the Downtown Community Centre (DCC)on 2-October from 2:00-4:00.

We will collect and collate neighbours' concerns to develop questions for the candidates. Candidates will not be given the questions ahead of time.

** Update - We will not be able to live-stream the debate. We will record it and post it. **
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All Neighbourhood Associations sponsoring this event are collecting questions from their residents that candidates will have the opportunity to answer. What question or topic is most important to you? You may phrase it as a question or write a couple of sentences to define what you would like to ask our candidates. Thank you for participating. These will not be shared with the candidates beforehand, but will be used by the Neighbourhood Associations for planning purposes to ensure that a broad range of concerns are brought forward.
Are you planning to attend in person or online (pending  technology capability in the DCC)? We are asking to determine if we need additional room capacity and to gauge interest in an online option.
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If you are attending in person, do you expect you will want to ask a question of the candidates? (we are asking this to help with scheduling, not all attendees may be able to ask questions as time is limited)
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Please select your neighbourhood (we are asking this for demographic purposes to gauge interest across the neighbourhoods).
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