UAAT-ICU Alliance Interest Matchmaker (Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences)

'The Dynamics of East-West Civilizational Interactions: Conflict or Fusion?'

This questionnaire is designed to facilitate collaboration by aligning researchers with shared interests within our alliance. Your responses will help us create meaningful connections and foster productive partnerships.  

Please answer the following questions to help us understand your research interests and objectives. The survey results are accessible in the Excel file at the following link: Should you wish to amend your responses, ICU members may reach out to Ms Monika Keřková (, while UAAT members should contact Mr. Chung-Yen Kuo (

Given the focal theme 'The Dynamics of East-West Civilizational Interactions: Conflict or Fusion?', relevant research interests include, but are not limited to, the following five areas.:
  1. Literature: Comparative Literary Analysis; Translation Studies; Narrative and Identity
  2. Social Sciences: Sociocultural Dynamics; Impact of Globalization; Identity and Modernization
  3. Media and Communication: Media Representation; Media Influence on Public Opinion; Digital Diplomacy
  4. International Relations: Geopolitical Strategies; Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy; Conflict Resolution and Cooperation
  5. Art: Historical Art Exchange; Contemporary Art Practices; Cross-Cultural Art Exhibitions; Art as Cultural Diplomacy
If your interests extend to different areas within humanities, arts, and social sciences, please indicate them in the 'Other' section.

National Chengchi University and Charles University are dedicated to facilitating connections between ICU member teams and UAAT member teams. Although we strive to ensure successful matches, please understnad we cannot guarantee that every match will be realized.
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Which group are you from: *
Your institution *
Name *
Professional Title (e.g., Professor, Dr., Researcher, Dean, Director etc.) *
Affiliations (department, center etc.) *
Email *
A brief intro of yourself *
Field(s) of interest *
Brief description of your collaboration interest (or a link to a related website) *
Any additional comments or questions? Responses to your inquiries will be provided in the 'Q&A' tab of the same Excel sheet in a timely manner.
By providing your email address, you acknowledge and consent that it will be used solely for the purposes of this UAAT-ICU research collaboration. 

As organizers, we guarantee that your contact information will be used exclusively for the purposes of this research collaboration, and will only be shared among researchers within the alliances as well as the Ministry of Education, ROC, the funding party. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information and will not disclose it to any parties outside of this group.
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