Bears to the Ballot
The ASUC Vote Coalition is a non-partisan, campus-wide initiative working towards our goals of 100% eligible voter registration, turnout, and civic engagement. With the 2022 midterms right around the corner, we're working hard to ensure everyone is playing their part in reaching 100%.

"Bears to the Ballot" is a friendly, civic competition among groups and athletic teams to engage their members in conversations and events about civic engagement and voting. Groups that join Bears to the Ballot will commit to reaching 100% of eligible members registered to vote and share voter turnout and education materials leading up to Election Day, November 8.


Groups that join “Bears to the Ballot” will have access to
- Voter registration resources
- Voter education materials
- Trainings on the basics of voting
- One pagers and social media graphics
- Prizes


Fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining Bears to the Ballot and a member of our team will be reaching out to you shortly!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Organization *
Email *
First and Last Name(s) of Group Representative(s) *
Title of Representative(s) Role(s)
Does your group fall under one of these categories?
Does your group commit to reaching 100% voter registration for eligible voters?
Take a look at our Tiers of Engagement — these are examples of ways your organization can get civically involved and help members register to vote.

Let us know what Tier(s) you're interested in below. Once you fill out this form, Vote Co will reach out to help you finalize your commitments.
Captionless Image
All groups that commit to the "Race to 100%" will be posted on our website and social media platforms. What is your Instagram handle? (if applicable)
Already have ideas for potential events or ways your organization can engage? Let us know here!
Any questions/comments?
Still have questions? Schedule a meeting with us!
Email with your availability and one of our teammates will reach out shortly.
What happens next?
Once your group has filled out this form and officiated your commitment to join "Bears to the Ballot," a Vote Co member will reach out to you to start creating your group's personal plan and strategy to reach 100% based on your tier of engagement. Look out for an email from us!

In the meantime, challenge your friend organizations/teams to join the “Race to 100%”!
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