HSE Response Questionnaire - Lead Consultation
This survey is to provide direct feedback from our membership to allow us to present evidence to the HSE against banning lead for ammunition, and to fully explain the risks involved.
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How many shooting complexes do you use on a regular basis? (more than 3 times a year) *
How many of these are outdoor facilities? *
Do you reload ammunition at home? *
Have you ever been diagnosed with Lead Poisoning? *
When handling lead, either projectiles or targets shot with lead, do you take precautions.  including but not limited to washing hands, wearing gloves, not eating food nearby etc.? *
Are you aware of the risks of lead poisoning? *
Does your club explain the risks associated with lead poisoning as part of the risk assessment's and safety measures? *
How often do your Shooting clubs recover lead from Back Stops and Butts? *
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