GlobalLogic Kyiv Career Day #3: С/С++
Please fill in this form till September 20 if you would like to attend GlobalLogic C/C++ Career Day on September 22.

Please note that we have a limited quantity of seats at this event. Till September 21, you will receive an email with a confirmation of your participation or a suggestion of other options to visit GlobalLogic.
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Your name *
Your surname *
Your email *
Your phone number *
Your professional specialization *
Your level of experience in C/C++ development *
A link to your CV or a LinkedIn profile *
Please share a detailed and up-to-date information about your professional experience: a Google document, a LinkedIn page, a job website page etc.
Your current company *
Your current position *
If you are interested in a specific project and would like to pass a respective interview, please indicate it *
Are you interested in relocation (abroad) opportunities? *
How did you found out about the event?
If a person from GlobalLogic recommended it to you, please indicate his/her name and email in "Other" field.
Would you like to receive news from GlobalLogic? *
Please accept GlobalLogic Privacy Policy *
Please note that by providing information about yourself you accept GlobalLogic Privacy Policy ( and provide your consent to GlobalLogic to process your personal data with an aim of sending you messages by GlobalLogic representatives according to GlobalLogic Privacy Policy and Ukrainian legislation, as well as confirm that you are informed, acknowledge and understand your rights as set by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", the purpose of personal data collection and the scope of persons who can receive your personal data.
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