Kids Yoga Party Enquiry
Our Kids yoga parties are a great way to celebrate and honor your child as well as the community they are buidling!
Email *
Your Name & contact number *
Preferred method of contact *
What age will your child be turning? *
Please describe the nature & intersts of your child :  *
Do you have a theme for your child's birthday? *
How many children are you expecting at the party? *
Is this going to be a parent & child gathering or children only participating? *
Flexible dates, I prefer these days & times  *
What dates & how soon would you like to book? *
Your child's party will include age-appropriate games, activities related to yoga and movement. Please mark that apply / sound intersting. We will go over this with you during our follow up call.   *
Anything else you would like to share? Thank you & we will be in touch with you shortly!  *
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