Parkfield Y6 Aspirational Careers Day -June 2024
We are holding a careers day for our Y6 pupils on Wednesday 26th June. The aim of the day is for our pupils to realise that there are many different employment opportunities out there and through hard work, a good education and training they can achieve great things. 

Please complete the form below if you are able to spend up to an hour in the morning speaking to our Y6's about your role, how you got to where you are today and don't mind answering questions. Hopefully, you'll inspire one of our pupils to follow in your footsteps!

We will contact you once we have been able to plan the day.

Thanks in advance

Mr Kemp
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What is your name? *
What is your contact number? *
What is your email address? *
Who are you related to at the school? *
Are you an ex-Parkfielder? *
What is your current job title? *
Who is your current employer? *
If self employed, please give the name of your business
How would you describe your role in one sentence?
What time is best for you to attend on Wednesday 29th June? *
You may choose more than one time
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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