BSides Dresden CFP
Event Date: December 7th, 2024
Event Address: Postplatz 1, 01067 Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Contact us at

The BSides Dresden CFP is open from July 15, 2024 to October 15, 2024.

CFP Review:
  • After our CFP has been closed on October 15, 2024, our CFP review board has ~1 week to look over and score all submissions.
  • Based on the ratings from our CFP review board, the submissions with the highest score are put into our first round of acceptance notices, which start on October 22, 2024.

  • We allow ~1 week for these submitters to respond. If we can not get a hold of, or hear back from, said submitter(s) then we move down our acceptance list. Additionally, circumstances may arise which prevent a submitter from being able or willing to present at our conference. If this occurs, we must once again continue down the acceptance list.

  • This is usually resolved within a week or two, but as you can imagine, we can not send out rejection notices until we have enough talks to fill our schedule.

  • Once we have enough acceptances, we will send out notices to those who did not make the final cut, probably starting November 1, 2024. Depending on the volume of CFP submissions, we may not be able to provide personal feedback for each CFP submission.
Accepted Speakers:
  • Acceptance notice go out over a six week period ahead of the conference so you can schedule any necessary travel arrangements.
  • Additionally, we will be posting the speaker list and talk abstracts so please let us know if anything has changed (title, abstract etc.) A.S.A.P.

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Proposal Title *
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Session type
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Notes *
Info: These notes are meant for the organizer and won't be made public.
Additional Speaker
If you have a co-speaker, please add their email address here. If you have more than one co-speaker, you can add more speakers after finishing the proposal process.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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