Student Data Packet Parent Reflection Form
Please fill out this form as part of your child's Student Data Packet
You will be emailed a copy of your responses. Response sheet must be printed and stapled to the Student Data Packet and turned into the Counselor of the Day desk by the due date indicated in the Curriculum Guide for your child's College Letter of Recommendation Request.
All answers should be 300 words or less.
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Email *
Student ID *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Relationship to Student *
What are three adjectives that describe your child? Please provide specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate these adjectives. *
What is the kindest thing you have seen your child do? *
Are there any special circumstances your child and/or family has encountered that the counselor should be aware of? Please explain. *
Does your child have a diagnosed learning disability?  Do you give permission for this to be included in their letter of recommendation? *
Describe any family factors that influence your child's choice of schools. (e.g. finances, legacies, location, family expectations, circumstances surrounding COVID-19, etc.) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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