Texas Organizing Project PAC - 2024 Candidate Interest Form

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Please fill out this form if you are a candidate running for elected office in Texas who is interested in earning TOP PAC's endorsement. Note that completing this form does not guarantee you an endorsement screening. Our members will determine how and if to proceed in the endorsement screening process based on your responses to this form.
For step-by-step information on our candidate endorsement process, please visit https://organizetexas.org/top-candidate-endorsement-process/
Candidate name: *
Name of position / Office you are seeking: *
With which party are you running for office?
Campaign manager contact information (please include full name, phone number, and email): *
Campaign treasurer contact information (please include full name, phone number, and email): *
Total amount of money anticipated to be raised for campaign: *
Total money amount raised to date: *
Total money amount spent to date: *
Elected or appointed offices currently or previously held (please list all): *
Why are you seeking TOP's endorsement? *
How will you ensure that the voices of Latino and Black people are not only heard but have sufficient power to advance our issues?
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