Early Risk Assessment & Management of Parental Alienation among Practicing Front-liners.
Parental Alienation among frontline professionals: As Family Therapists, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Teachers, Lawyers, Nurses, Coaches, Police Officers, Social Workers and frontliners working with people we notice that Parental Alienation Behaviour is visible even before it becomes diagnosable as mild to severe Parental Alienation. Signs in both children and parents emerge during therapy, or during interaction with other non-therapy frontline professionals. These can be signs of the risk of PA, like when a child is being parentified or triangulated by one parent, by being treated like an adult, taking care of adults, confided in like an adult, etc. PA doesn't necessarily start in court or during marital separation processes and signs of its risk can be detected much earlier through child and couple behaviours. This research is intended to develop further a Risk Assessment Protocol  that can help frontline professionals in various fields to detect, identify and manage the risk of PA, therefore preventing it from exploding into a fully fledged PA situation. 
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What is Your Profession?
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What kind of context do you work in?
How often do you work with children in your setting?
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Do you work with:
How Knowledgable do you consider yourself to be about Parental Alienation? 
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In your practice, do you ever meet children of any age with these behaviours?
Do you notice that this child
Do you notice that the close parent
How do you see yourself on the following cultural beliefs?
The children are naturally closer to the mother than to the father
Mothers should be totally dedicated to children
Men are the main breadwinners
Men should work longer hours
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How aware are you of the relationship between somatic symptoms, children's behavioural problems and family life?
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In your contact with adults, families and children do you notice any particular behaviours which are not addressed above that remind you Parental Alienation?
Do you think you need to learn further about the relationship between somatic symptoms, children's behavioural problems and family life?
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